FlowComp is an interesting tool if you want to separate multiple runoff components from a hydrograph. It uses a relatively little known method of separation based on the result of recession curves analysis. In contrast to BFI+, you can separate several runoff components, including surface, sub-surface and groundwater runoff.
License: Freeware
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FlowComp 2.0 module is based on the new methodology and allows to separating more components
from the runoff. This tool is based on the master recession curves analysis. Into the program
can be imported daily or weekly type of time series of river discharges or spring yields.
Program use results from the master recession curve analysis for separating these components
in the time series of runoff measurements. In current version can be used for the separation
result from linear and turbulent recession models, with the possibilities of its combination
and superposition. Before processing user imports into the program input time series and defines
recession coefficients of individual recession sub-regimes.

After entering all the settings can be calculated the course of master recession curve in recession time or can be separated individual sub-regimes of runoff in imported time series of river discharges or spring yields (e.g. direct surface runoff, sub-surface runoff, groundwater runoff, etc.).

To obtain the parameters and coefficients of master recession curve can be used another tool included in HydroOffice package - RC 4.0 tool. The calculated results can user export from program in the table or graphical form.