How to create online monitoring system in open source technologies

Published on Friday, May 19, 2017 by Milos Gregor

Do you need to create relatively fast an online application for analyzing and visualizing data from monitoring system? Do you want to apply open source technologies? This post will give you an example of one approach.

At my work, I was given the task – creating an online application that would allow us to analyze and visualize data from the monitoring of contaminated sites in Slovakia that we have in our projects. There are 314 contaminated sites.

The data is stored in the server database (PostgreeSQL) and we have available one internal server (Ubuntu Linux). So I decided to use one specific technology – Shiny Server and I wrote the application in R language. The application is not completely finished and following video shows the current features and functionality.

The development of such an application is relatively simple and especially fast. The video shows the functionality I created in 1 month’s work. On the parallel project web, I’m preparing a series of blogs that will describe used technology and architecture of application. If you are interested, you can be inspired or learn more about the options. Currently, the first two posts are online: